import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
API Fruityvice - JSON to df
Currently the webservice consists of two functions:
- Receiving data for a specific fruit or all fruit, and
- A function to add your own data.
- An example of what the response body would look like
- To receive the shown data, you have to make a HTTP GET call on the resource /api/fruit/{ID} or /api/fruit/{name} of this website’s IP.
- To add data, make a HTTP PUT call on the resource /api/fruit with the data of a fruit in JSON format in the request body.
Case Study
- Make an HTTP get request call
- Data returned will be in json format, so convert the response data to pandas df
- Normalize/flatten the results
- Find out how many calories in a banana
Send Get Request
# Make the get request - it appears fruityvice is temporarily out of order
= requests.get("")
# The text data type returned is json so use json.loads to load it
= json.loads(data.text)
# View the first two elements
2] results[:
Convert json to DF
= pd.DataFrame(results)
df3 3) df3.head(
Normalize/Flatten DF
- As you can see above, the nutritions column contains multiple subcolumns
- We need to flatten or normalize it
# Flaten or Normalize the df
= pd.json_normalize((results))
df3 5) df3.head(
Extract Information
Genus & Family of a Cherry
- Filter out the Cherry row
# create a cherry var
#cherry = df3["name"] == "Cherry" this gives us a column of False & True
# this will give us the row from the df that has a value of True
= df3[df3["name"] == "Cherry"]
cherry cherry
- Extract the family using the label method. Since we know we only have one row we can use [ :, ccc]
'family']] cherry.loc[:,[
- Let’s extract genus using the location method iloc
0]['genus'] cherry.iloc[
Calories in Banana
= df3[df3["name"] == "Banana"]
banana 'nutritions.calories']] banana.loc[:,[