<- "
download.file(fileUrl, destfile = "", method="curl")
unzip("", list=TRUE)
<- date()
unzip("", exdir= "D:/~/Data/har/unzipped")
Samsung Fitbit - Tidying
Wearable computing seems to be the latest craze. Companies like Fitbit, Nike, and Jawbone Up are racing to develop the most advanced algorithms to attract new users. I’ll import data collected from the accelerometers from the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone.
A full description of the data can be found here on the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository:
Here are the data for the project:
An updated version of this dataset can be found at It includes labels of postural transitions between activities and also the full raw inertial signals instead of the ones pre-processed into windows.
Human Activity Recognition database built from the recordings of 30 subjects performing activities of daily living (ADL) while carrying a waist-mounted smartphone with embedded inertial sensors.
- The data itself is Mutivariate, Time-Series
- There are 10299 instances
- Data was donated 12/9/2012
- Has no Missing Values
Dataset Information
- The experiments have been carried out with a group of 30 volunteers within an age bracket of 19-48 years.
- Each person performed six activities (WALKING, WALKING_UPSTAIRS, WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS, SITTING, STANDING, LAYING) wearing a smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S II) on the waist.
- Using its embedded accelerometer and gyroscope, we captured 3-axial linear acceleration and
- 3-axial angular velocity at a constant rate of 50Hz.
- The experiments have been video-recorded to label the data manually.
- The obtained dataset has been randomly partitioned into two sets, where 70% of the volunteers was selected for generating the training data and 30% the test data.
- The sensor signals (accelerometer and gyroscope) were pre-processed by applying noise filters and then
- sampled in fixed-width sliding windows of 2.56 sec and 50% overlap (128 readings/window).
- The sensor acceleration signal, which has gravitational and body motion components, was separated using a Butterworth low-pass filter into body acceleration and gravity.
- The gravitational force is assumed to have only low frequency components, therefore a filter with 0.3 Hz cutoff frequency was used
- From each window, a vector of features was obtained by calculating variables from the time and frequency domain.
Variable Information
For each record in the dataset it is provided:
Triaxial acceleration from the accelerometer (total acceleration) and
The estimated body acceleration.
Triaxial Angular velocity from the gyroscope.
A 561-feature vector with time and frequency domain variables (described in “features.txt”).
Its activity label.
An identifier of the subject who carried out the experiment.
The features.txt file shows a list of 561 variables in total.
Data files
– All the data is listed in 18 files in directory: UCI HAR Dataset
– 9 files are located in ~\getdata_projectfiles_UCI HAR Dataset\UCI HAR Dataset\test\Inertial Signals
– 9 files are located in ~\getdata_projectfiles_UCI HAR Dataset\UCI HAR Dataset\train\Inertial Signals
– Files are in .txt format
– Here is a list of files that were used for this project
“activity_labels.txt” “features.txt”
“features_info.txt” “README.txt”
“subject_test.txt” “X_test.txt” “y_test.txt”
“subject_train.txt” “X_train.txt” “y_train.txt”
Case study
- The purpose of this project is to document a process of creading Tidy data (getting, and cleaning data).
- A code book “CodeBook” is also attached, it describes the variables, the data, and any transformation work I performed to clean up the data, the main reason behind the CodeBook is for anyone to be able to reproduce the Tidy data by following the steps outlined in the CodeBook.
- A tidy dataset is also created and saved in two separate files:
- meanPerSubject.txt provides the mean of all the variables for each subject performing every activity
- meanPerActivity.txt provides the mean of all the variables for each activity for all the subjects
Tidying data
- Setup directory for project
- Download data from Url
- Verify the download by listing the files in the new directory
- Use Unzip with list=TRUE to see the files in the zipped file prior to extracting, hopefully we can just unzip the needed files only
- Set timestamp for download
- Unzip the entire downloaded file
- Create function loadfile() that returns a table of the data
- Import these .txt files: subject_test, x_test, y_test, subject_train, x-train, y-train, features, activity_labels
<- loadfile("test","subject_test")
subject_test <- loadfile("test","X_test")
X_test <- loadfile("test","y_test")
y_test <- loadfile("train","subject_train")
subject_train <- loadfile("train","X_train")
X_train <- loadfile("train","y_train")
y_train <- read.table("D:/~/features.txt")
features <- read.table("D:/~/activity_labels.txt") labelfile
Merge Data Tables
- Merge (cbind) subjext_test: a one column table displaying all the subjects (1-30) in each row
- x_test & y_test are to be cbind with subject_text which will give us testfile, a table (2947x563)
- Merge subjext_train with x_train & y_train
- subject_* are the columns that identify the subject for each observation
- Merge (row bind) the above merged files togetherto give us 1 dataset for all observations (10299x563)
<- cbind(subject_test,y_test,X_test)
testfile <- cbind(subject_train,y_train,X_train)
trainfile <- rbind(testfile,trainfile) mergedfile
Add Column Names
- Subjects: We already know that the first column contains all the subject identifiers from above subject_* files we merged in the step above. The first column will be named (subject)
- y_test, is the second column in the table, this column contains all the activity identifiers for each row/observation. So the second column will be named (activity)
- The remaining 561 columns are the features which will be assigned from the second column of the features table we loaded earlier
<- features[,2]
features <- c("subject","activity",features)
cnames colnames(mergedfile) <- cnames
- At this time we are only interested in certain features that involve the mean() or the std()
- I’ll use grep() to identify the columns that meet the criteria of either subject|activity|Mean()|std()
- Then I’ll use select to extract the desired columns and assign it to (extracteddata)
<- mergedfile |>
extracteddata select(grep("subject|activity|-[mM]ean()|-[sS]td()",names(mergedfile)))
Edit Values
- labelfile from above contains the 6 key identifiers for the activity that the subjects participated in
- The second column named “activity” contains numbers from 1-6 which correspond to the keys for each activity
- It would make more sense to replace the integers in column 2 with their respective description “walking, standing….
- The keys are all capitalized, so it’s more appropriate to convert them to lowercase before inserting them into the data table
- I’ll use case_match to convert the values in column 2 to a more descriptive string
$activity <- case_match(
extracteddata$activity ~ tolower(labelfile[extracteddata$activity,2])) extracteddata
Create Tidy Set
Now that I’ve cleaned and rearranged the data. I will create a dataset that:
- Remember the data tracked 30 subjects (column 1)
- Subjects participated in 6 activities (identified in column 2)
- Measurements were recorded in columns 3 to 81
- So the data can be grouped in 2 groups, subject and activity
- I’m going to create one dataset that shows the mean of all the results for ALL the subjects for EACH activity (6 activites). So we should have a 6x80 table (peractivityfile.txt)
- I’ll also create one dataset for the mean of all measurements for EACH subject for ALL activities. Since we have 30 subjects involved in 6 activities, we should have a 180x81. 81 as opposed to 80 because we have a column identifying the activity per subject (persubfile.txt)
- I’ll create a .txt and a .csv file for each
#let's use melt to set the IDs(activity, subject) and variables will be (all the rest)
<- c(names(extracteddata[3:81]))
varnames <- melt(extracteddata, id=c("activity", "subject"), measure.vars = varnames )
#______mean for each subject performing each activity
<- reshape2::dcast(meltdata, activity + subject ~ variable, mean)
#________mean of all subjects for each activity
<- reshape2::dcast(meltdata, activity ~ variable, mean) peractivityfile
Save Tidy Set
- I’ll save both files in .txt and .csv formats
- Verify the files were saved in the correct directory
- Confirm operation with a timestamp
{#______Save in txt format as well
<- date() dateUploaded