Case Studies
This section is an accumulation of case studies carried out over time. Below you’ll find a brief description for each:
Exploratory Data Analysis with R
BikeShare is a complete Extraction, Transformation and Analysis case study performed using R, SQL with visualization done in R and Tableau
Samsung Fitbit usage documented by mobile phone data tracking
Tidying up the dataset
Cluster analysis
EPA data provided by the U.S. government relating to data collected by air pollution sensors
EDA cleaning and analysis I
EDA cleaning and analysis II
EDA tidying and exporting data
Fitbit reproducible daily activity using EDA data. Granted all the case studies are reproducible documents, but this one was uploaded to gitHub as well
Severe weather EDA reproducible II. This document was uploaded to RPubs
WellaBeat is a complete Extraction, Transformation and Analysis case study performed using R, SQL with visualization done in R and Tableau
CompareCare is a partial case study of a larger, much more complicated project I was involved with for several years. The final product was a consumer application that allowed the user to compare medical procedure evaluation and cost at almost all hospitals in the U.S. Mortality rates, reoccurrence rates, satisfaction rates, service rating, doctors ratings and many more options